You’ve probably heard of the Dungeons and Dragons board game, but if you haven’t played it yet, here’s what you need to know: Dungeons and Dragons DnD is a tabletop role-playing game where each player takes on the role of their own character in the world of adventurers, monsters, dragons, and mythical creatures. Players play these characters during an adventure, which is often made up of several missions that must be accomplished before the players can progress further into the story line or encounter another monster or villain.

What is a demogorgon?

Demogorgons are frightening creatures found deep within the Underdark. They feed on life force (known as a Quasit) until they can create a new demogorgon. Their preferred diet is mortals, but they will also prey on elves, dwarves, or any humanoid species unfortunate enough to be nearby. Weaker demogorgons obey their superiors without question and use fear tactics to overwhelm their prey. However, some powerful demogorgons have been known to overthrow and consume their older brethren entirely. Demogoroths are the most powerful of all demagogs who lord over others with an insatiable lust for power that borders on madness.

Why fear the demogorgon?

What could be more terrifying than the Unseeable Beholder or the Vorpal Spider? Why should you fear a denizen of the underworld like Demogorgon? The answer is simple: pure power. This creature has the strength to swallow your very soul. Literally. You might scoff at this warning if you are not at least experienced enough to take down The Undead Minotaur, but it will seem laughable when a game of Dungeon & Dragons ends with an entire party being devoured by a demon.

How to beat the demogorgon?

If you want to take on the demogorgon with a group of friends, be warned: it’s not easy. Unless you have a party that is composed of all paladins or fighter characters who are close to each other’s level, it’s unlikely that anyone will win the fight alone. There is also no known defense against its death touch. That being said, there are some things you can do to help ensure victory…