Are you looking to stay ahead of the curve in the world of SEO? Then understanding Core Web Vitals is key! Core Web Vitals are a set of metrics used to measure the performance of your website, and they’re becoming increasingly important for SEO success. Learn what Core Web Vitals are, how to measure them, and how to optimise for them so you can stay ahead of the competition.

Key Takeaways

  • Core Web Vitals are metrics designed to measure user experience on websites, focusing on loading speed, stability, and responsiveness.
  • Google evaluates websites based on three main Core Web Vitals metrics: Largest Contentful Paint, First Input Delay, and Cumulative Layout Shift.
  • Good Core Web Vitals scores can help websites rank higher in search engine results, increase organic traffic, and reduce bounce rates.
  • Optimising for Core Web Vitals involves improving user experience by reducing page loading times, improving visual stability, and enhancing interactivity.

What Are Core Web Vitals

If you’re wondering what Core Web Vitals are, you’re not alone. Core Web Vitals are a set of metrics designed to measure user experience when accessing a website. They measure how quickly content is loaded, how stable the page is, and how responsive it is to user interactions. The Core Web Vitals are part of Google’s efforts to make the web more efficient and secure, and are an important factor in SEO rankings.

Google looks at three main Core Web Vitals metrics when evaluating a website: Largest Contentful Paint, First Input Delay, and Cumulative Layout Shift. Largest Contentful Paint measures the time it takes for the largest page element to render, while First Input Delay measures how long it takes for a user action to be processed. Finally, Cumulative Layout Shift tracks the amount of unexpected page movement during loading and user interactions.

These metrics are important for a website’s overall user experience and SEO performance. A website that scores low on Core Web Vitals will rank lower in search engine results. On the other hand, a website that scores high on Core Web Vitals will be more likely to appear near the top of search engine results.

Google offers tools to help webmasters optimise their websites for Core Web Vitals. Through the PageSpeed Insights tool, webmasters can analyse their website’s performance and receive suggestions for improvements. Additionally, Google’s Lighthouse tool can provide more detailed analysis of a website’s performance and suggest optimizations.

Core Web Vitals are an important part of SEO and should be taken into account when optimising a website. By understanding and optimising the Core Web Vitals, webmasters can ensure that their site is performing well and is more likely to appear near the top of search engine results.

Measuring Core Web Vitals

Measuring Core Web Vitals is essential to understanding the new frontier of SEO. To measure Core Web Vitals, you will need to use a variety of tools, including the Google Search Console and PageSpeed Insights. With these tools you can analyse your website’s performance and determine its scores for the Core Web Vitals metrics. The three Core Web Vitals metrics are: Largest Contentful Paint (LCP), First Input Delay (FID), and Cumulative Layout Shift (CLS).

LCP measures loading performance of the page, and is the amount of time it takes for the largest content element on the page to be visible. FID measures interactivity, and is the amount of time it takes for the page to be interactive after a user has interacted with it. Lastly, CLS measures visual stability, and is the amount of unexpected layout shifts that occur during any given page visit.

Once you have analysed your website’s performance and scored it on the Core Web Vitals metrics, you can then take steps to improve them. Examples of improvements could include optimising image file sizes, reducing the number of third-party scripts, or improving server response times. Additionally, you can use the Chrome User Experience Report which is a public dataset of aggregated Core Web Vitals metrics from origin URLs.

How Core Web Vitals Impact SEO

Now that you have measured your website’s Core Web Vitals scores, it’s time to explore how they impact your SEO efforts. Google’s Core Web Vitals are a set of metrics that measure how quickly your website loads, how stable it is while loading, and how good the user experience is. These metrics are now being used by Google to rank websites on its search engine results page (SERP). If your website has good Core Web Vitals scores, it can help you rank higher on SERP and get more organic traffic. On the other hand, if your website has poor Core Web Vitals scores, it can hurt your rankings and lead to fewer organic visits.

Google has also focused on Core Web Vitals when it comes to page speed and user experience. Pages with good Core Web Vitals scores will load faster and be more stable, leading to a better user experience. This can help your website gain more organic visits and higher rankings on SERP. Additionally, Core Web Vitals can also help you reduce bounce rates. If your website loads quickly and provides a good user experience, visitors are more likely to stay on your website for longer. This can help reduce bounce rates and improve your website’s overall SEO.

Finally, Core Web Vitals are also important for mobile SEO. Google has recently rolled out the mobile-first indexing system, which means that mobile versions of websites are now being used to determine rankings on SERP. If your website has good Core Web Vitals scores, it can help you rank higher on SERP for mobile searches.

Optimising for Core Web Vitals

Now that you understand how Core Web Vitals impact SEO, it’s time to start optimising your website to improve its scores. The key to optimising for Core Web Vitals is to focus on the user experience. This means reducing page loading times, improving visual stability, and ensuring interactivity. To do this, you’ll need to identify and address any issues that could be slowing your website down.

One of the most common causes of slow page loading times is large images. To reduce loading times, compress your images to reduce their size without sacrificing quality. You should also make sure to use caching and minification to reduce the amount of data that needs to be loaded. This will allow your pages to load faster and more efficiently.

Visual stability is another important factor to consider when optimising for Core Web Vitals. To reduce jank and layout shifts, you should ensure that all elements on your page are properly sized and positioned. This will help ensure that the page looks the same when it’s loaded in a browser.

Finally, you should focus on improving the interactivity of your website. This means ensuring that your page responds quickly to user input, such as clicks or scrolling. To do this, you should optimise your code and use the latest web technologies. This will help ensure that your website is responsive and performs well.

Optimising for Core Web Vitals can be a complex process, but it’s essential for improving the user experience and SEO ranking of your website. By focusing on reducing page loading times, improving visual stability, and ensuring interactivity, you can ensure that your website performs well and ranks higher in search engine results.

Core Web Vitals and Mobile

With mobile usage continuing to rise, it’s essential to consider how Core Web Vitals can affect the SEO performance of your website on mobile devices. With the growth of mobile usage, Core Web Vitals are now more important than ever. They are key indicators of how well your website performs on mobile devices and can be used to optimise the speed and user experience of your website.

The three Core Web Vitals are Largest Contentful Paint (LCP), First Input Delay (FID) and Cumulative Layout Shift (CLS). These metrics measure the loading speed and user experience on mobile devices. LCP measures how quickly the largest element on a page is rendered. FID measures the time it takes for a user to interact with a page, such as clicking a link or button. Finally, CLS measures the visual stability of a page, measuring how often elements on the page shift unexpectedly.

To ensure your website is optimised for Core Web Vitals on mobile devices, you’ll need to test the performance of your website across a range of devices. This will help you identify any potential issues that could be impacting the performance of your website on mobile. Additionally, you should also consider using tools such as Google’s PageSpeed Insights to measure the performance of your website on mobile devices.

Finally, it’s also important to think about how the design of your website affects the performance on mobile devices. Try to keep the design of your website simple and clean, as this will help ensure it loads quickly and functions well on mobile devices.

Tools for Analysing Core Web Vitals

To further maximise the SEO performance of your website, it’s essential to use the right tools for analysing Core Web Vitals. There are a variety of tools available that can help you track, measure, and analyse the performance of your website in terms of Core Web Vitals. Here are some of the best ones:

  • PageSpeed Insights: This tool from Google provides comprehensive analysis of your website’s performance, including Core Web Vitals metrics. It also provides optimization suggestions for improving your website’s performance.
  • Lighthouse: This open-source tool from Google is great for analysing the performance of your website, including Core Web Vitals metrics. It also provides detailed reports and recommendations for improving your website’s performance.
  • WebPageTest: This free tool from Google is fantastic for testing the performance of your website and checking the Core Web Vitals metrics. It also provides optimization suggestions for improving the performance of your website.
  • Chrome DevTools: This browser-based tool from Google is great for tracking and measuring the performance of your website, including Core Web Vitals metrics.
  • GTmetrix: This powerful tool from GTmetrix is great for analysing the performance of your website, including Core Web Vitals metrics. It also provides detailed reports and recommendations for improving your website’s performance.

Using the right tools for analysing Core Web Vitals will help you improve the performance of your website and maximise its SEO potential.

Future of Core Web Vitals

Looking ahead, Core Web Vitals are set to become an increasingly important factor in SEO success. As more and more websites adopt the Core Web Vitals metrics, the importance of these metrics will continue to rise. This means that website owners and SEO strategists must stay up to date on the latest Core Web Vitals trends and understand how to use them to their advantage.

The first thing to note is that Core Web Vitals are an evolving set of metrics. As Google continues to refine its algorithms and develop new ways to measure website performance, Core Web Vitals will also likely be updated. This means that website owners must be sure to stay up to date on the latest Core Web Vitals updates and ensure that their websites are optimised for the new metrics.

The second point to note is that Core Web Vitals are not only important for SEO success, but also for user experience. As website performance continues to be a key factor in providing a good user experience, Core Web Vitals are essential for providing a smooth, enjoyable experience for website visitors. Therefore, website owners need to pay close attention to Core Web Vitals and ensure that their websites are optimised for the latest metrics.

Finally, it is important to note that Core Web Vitals are just one part of the overall SEO strategy. Website owners should not rely solely on Core Web Vitals metrics, but should instead use them in conjunction with other SEO techniques. This will ensure that their websites are optimised for the latest metrics, while also taking into account other search engine ranking factors.


You now know the basics of Core Web Vitals and how they can help your SEO efforts. Measuring and optimising for Core Web Vitals is essential to stay competitive in the ever-evolving world of SEO. With the right tools and knowledge, you can ensure your website is performing well and your SEO rankings will benefit. Don’t wait to get started – improving your Core Web Vitals now will pay off in the long run.