Anyone who has ever attempted to reduce weight, gain muscle, bodybuild, get rid of belly fat, or drop the last 10 pounds has had difficulty staying motivated and focused long enough to reach their goals. For more details Sarms Canada

What do you believe to be the main reason why most bodybuilders don’t get the body they want?

What do you believe to be the main reason why the majority of would-be bodybuilders finally stop up?

Your best guess?

Setting goals incorrectly is the problem.

You need to frame your goals in a way that allows no room for anything other than success if you want to successfully reach your bodybuilding or weight reduction objectives.

Now, this is the part that the majority of diet and fitness books omit to mention, which is why those who rely on such materials inevitably fall short of their objectives. These books may instruct you on what to do, but they do not provide you with the mental tools or the emotional and mental fortitude needed to succeed.

You should therefore pay close attention to those who address both the “inner” and “outer” aspects of your physical change.

For instance, Tom Venuto provided a thorough, step-by-step tutorial in his ebook Burn the Fat Feed the Muscle that explains how to reprogram your subconscious mind with constructive instructions in order to form positive habits rather than unfavourable ones.

I’ll go over tried-and-true strategies in this article to help you maintain focus and discipline while naturally sticking to your goals. If you worked hard, you could transform from “lazy” to “motivated,” from “loser” to completely unstoppable!

What I’ll show you here are just a few of the bodybuilding goal-setting approaches I’ve picked up from Tom Venuto’s Burn the Fat Feed the Muscle eBook and Vince Del Monte’s No Nonsense Muscle Building eBook. These two books stand out among the many I’ve read on bodybuilding, fitness, and personal development when it comes to fusing mental and physical development.

Raise Your Standards, first!

Raising your standards entails deciding categorically what you will no longer put up with or tolerate in your life.

Most people don’t become motivated to change until they reach their lowest point. But for every person, “rock bottom” is different. Your standards will determine whether you’ve hit “rock bottom” when you weigh 20 or 60 pounds too much or when you’re on TV being hailed as the chubbiest person in your state.

But do not wait till you are at your lowest point. The secret is to truly want to change.

Bad enough to warrant action and necessary action.

You can make certain things wholly unacceptable by raising your standards to an extreme.

It will become undesirable to have ice cream, cakes, crisps, and chocolate chip cookies while lounging on the couch and watching TV all day.

Failure to exercise at least three times a week will be unthinkable.

It will become disgusting to even look at processed, fatty, junk food.

How much higher are you willing to set your standards?

  1. Make Sensible Choices!

Make a decision today about what you truly want above all else, and make a commitment to keep working towards it.

When I say “decide,” I mean it. I’m not just saying, “I’ll give it a shot.”

The Latin verb decidere, which literally means “to cut off,” is the source of the English term “decide.” Therefore, exclude all other possibilities when you decide to get ripped, have a single digit body fat percentage, or permanently lose your belly fat. Eliminate all other options and possibilities.

One option (and the same one) is what it means to be “single-minded” — selecting it each and every time a decision is made.

If you truly want to lose belly fat, you may have to make the decision to always choose a veggie salad over French fries;

True commitment to a bodybuilding diet requires making certain lifestyle decisions, even if it means forgoing your favourite dessert, limiting your alcohol intake, or skipping late-night gatherings.

Yes, it’s difficult, but it’s worthwhile. (And the only people who have ever said it is simple are those who are attempting to sell you some useless weight gain products or magic pills!)