There is very little more disheartening for someone who runs an internet website, whether for fun or for money, than having their website compromised. It’s essential to keep a WordPress backup on hand in case the unimaginable happens, whether it’s due to hackers, malware, or server problems. For more details, please click here

What’s the simplest method to put a WordPress backup solution into practise?

It’s a WordPress plugin for me. They are comparatively inexpensive, especially when compared to having to hire someone to complete this operation for you, quite simple to install, and offer all the features you need for a task like this.

If you decide to use a plugin for WordPress security, make sure it has the following crucial components:

  • The fact that it works with the most recent WordPress version. (Are you updating the WordPress version you’re using?
  • That it has the ability to restore.
  • Backups can be scheduled so that they are a set-it-and-forget-it solution.
  • That you can use it to clone your WordPress site.
  • That you can run a security threat scan on your data. When moving your website to a new host, this can be a huge help.
  • It is consistently updated and enhanced.

What about the backups that WordPress makes, though? Why don’t those suffice for the goals you desire to achieve?

WordPress does make some backups, but that doesn’t guarantee the security of your information. Even if they claim otherwise, if their servers malfunction, you can be left for a while without access to a sizable chunk of your website (or business!)

Your content is ultimately your responsibility, not that of your web host. You are putting your livelihood in the hands of another person by relying on your host to perform more than just routine WordPress backups for you. In contrast to the majority of webmasters, you now know this.

In addition, there are many horror stories of hosts who fail to update their own systems, including WordPress and other essential security-related software. This is especially true for some shared plans and cheap hosts.

A solid WordPress backup solution can be found where?

Try the WordPress security plugin that I use if you are short on time and want to finish this once and for all. Do your research and do your homework. Knowing that my website (and business!) are safe brings me relief.