OKRs are the bread and butter of modern productivity management, and if you do not use them just yet — you should. That said, many people get caught up in a trap where they manage their OKRs in Google Sheets or an Excel spreadsheet, doing all the check-ins and reviews manually, spending hours and hours on end to make things work. But there’s a better way OKR Board for Jira by Oboard.

Have you ever wanted OKRs available directly in your workspace? OKR Board for Jira does precisely that — it allows you to connect your Jira tasks to OKRs and sync their progress in real-time. You can set, track, manage, and review OKRs without leaving Jira since everything is tightly integrated with official Atlassian APIs.

And that is still only scratching the surface! Here are other cool features you get with OKR Board for Jira:

  • User-Friendly Interface. Jira can be quite a bit obtuse with its somewhat outdated design language. Instead of blindly following it, OKR Board for Jira revamps the classic Jira UI and makes it much more comfortable and easy to use while still looking at home in the Atlassian ecosystem.
  • Flexible Customization. Every organization has unique needs, and the OKR Board for Jira lets you set your OKRs precisely as you need. If you have your vision of the OKR framework — you can build it with custom OKR periods, custom OKR statuses, custom OKR levels, and even custom OKR weights.
  • Real-Time Progress Tracking. The dynamic dashboard and real-time progress tracking keep everyone aligned and informed. And then there are fully flexible Custom Dashboards for those who need to finetune on one OKR set only.
  • Unlimited Collaboration. A flexible system of privileges and permissions allows everyone to collaborate on the OKR Board for Jira without fearing that they would break something important.
  • Cross-Project Roadmaps. Coordinate with people from different teams, projects, and even workspaces! Keep an entire company aligned and arrive at the finish line on time without crunching.
  • Robust Reporting Tools. Analytics and insights are crucial for informed decision-making, and Oboard’s robust reporting tools deliver in this area. Design real-time Custom Dashboards for your projects, then export them as PDFs in a single click.

The OKR Board for Jira by Oboard is a game-changer in OKR management. Its seamless integration with Jira, user-friendly interface, real-time tracking, collaborative features, robust reporting tools, and affordable pricing make it a standout choice for businesses of all sizes.

It makes traditional OKR management effortless, efficient, and engaging. For those looking to manage their OKRs directly in Jira, this tool is hard to beat.